Work in transnational teams
Work in transnational teams
At the end of Februry the German and Czech students started to work in transnational teams on the fictional soldiers´ letters. They used the information and knowledge which they had gained during the previous project work as well as their imagination. Each team met in their own chatroom and their task was to invent a few members of a fictive family in 1914 and briefly decide on who (son, father, ...) was going to the front and what was going to happen to him. It was the first stage of their cooperative writing of a series of fictive letters sent by the family to the front and by the soldier(s) from the front back home. Such a discussion was quite a demanding thing and the students practised presenting their ideas, doing compromises and making decisions.
Then the German and the Czech students in turns wrote a series of letters from home to the front and from the front home - you can read them on the following page. They also craeted a family tree in FAMILYECHO.COM and timeline in READWRITETHINK.ORG.